Quick Write

Today we have been doing a quick write. We had to write about climbing a tall tree.

You climb to the top of the tallest tree in your neighbourhood. What can you see that you couldn’t see from down below? And hear is my writing.

I climbed to the top of the tree and I saw ……  five blocks away there was a man looking for his pants. 3 blocks away there was a dog on someone’s swing, ten blocks away there was an donkey eating people’s clothes off there washing line. Six blocks away there were people playing with pigs in a pen getting all muddy, thirty miles away there was an rocket blasting off. At the Hokitika bridge there was a man jumping off head first off. There was a person having a drink at the play ground but the water splashed his face and he was soaking wet, and that’s was I saw from my tree.

The end.

Do you think I would see all of them things?

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