Category: Hanga | Create

Districts Athletics

Yesterday me and about 28 people went to WHS for districts/athletics. There were five different schools there.We arrived about 9:20 and at 9:30 we had first it was 800m I came first and tara came second, then we had a bye,after that dicus, then we had high jump, next a a bye,then shot put and second last 60m,and last 80m.  Me and my friend Tara are going to go to west cost, I am going there for 800m, long jump, 80m and 60m, Tara got in for 800m, high jump, shot put and dicus.

What place would you think you would come in all of the activites?

Inside Outside Poem

This week we have been making some poems. They are  about inside and outside,and this is my one hope you like it.

Inside, my tummy feels like jelly.

Inside, I wonder if I’m going to win.

Inside, I feel nervous, like there are butterflies in my stomach.

Inside, I am cold, and I don’t want to do it.


Outside, I feel rain falling, making the track all muddy.

Outside, I hear people getting called to the starting line.

Outside, I feel I will lose my mind,

Outside, I hear Mrs King calling me up to the starting line.


Inside, I breath slowly,

Inside,  my legs feel wobbly

Inside, I remember what my friend said “ You can do this.”

The Lighthouse

This week Tara and me have been doing our reading activity. For our reading activity we are building a lighthouse, just a small one. This is our reading instructions so far.


Hi,Our names are Meia and Tara, we are making a mini Lighthouse for our reading activity. The book that we are reading is called Pencarrow: New Zealand’s first Lighthouse. It’s about the first lighthouse in New Zealand,the first owners were George Bennet and his wife Mary Jane Bennet. Mary Jane Bennet took over in 1855 because George Bennet Drowned, so Mary Jane Bennet became the main keeper for the Pencarrow lighthouse. Mary Jane Bennet was the first Woman to be a lighthouse keeper in New Zealand.


We should do this because not many people know about the first lighthouse in New Zealand. Also to warn ships of danger and guide them safely on their way. The world should spread awareness about lighthouses because they save many ships from wreckage. Some of New Zealand’s coastline is dangerous for ships and boats because there are big rocks near the shore.

Facts about lighthouses 

  • Lighthouses can be square, round, conical, rectangular, and even octagonal. 

  • Some are painted with identifying stripes, spirals, or diamond patterns. 

  • Some have twin and, in one case, triple towers.

  •  Most lighthouses range in height from 10 m.

  • They serve to warn mariners of dangerous shallows and perilous rocky coasts, and they help guide vessels safely into and out of harbors. 

  • The first lighthouse was built in ancient Egypt. 

  • Lighthouses use different types of light sources.

  •  The tallest lighthouse in the world is the Jeddah Light in Saudi Arabia

  •  The first lighthouses used fire beacons by burning coal or wood

  • The original pencarrow lighthouse was made of cast iron 


  • What you need for this craft

  • A lamp at the top*

  • Wire for the frame*

  • Cardboard for Structure

  • String for connecting the cardboard and wire together

  • Plastic cups ( see through ones) for the windows*

  • Popsicle sticks for the ring on the outside of the lighthouse* 

Instructions For The Lighthouse

  • 1. Curve the wire into a circular shape

  • 2.  Wrap the cardboard around the wire

  •  3. Tie the wire and cardboard together with the String

  • 4. Cut the popsicle sticks in half and strike them together with glue 

  • 5. 


Our names are Meia and Tara. We are making a mini Lighthouse for our reading activity.The book is about Pencorrow lighthouse, New Zealand’s First Lighthouse. Not many people know the importance of lighthouses. Lighthouses help to tell ships where the shallow or dangerous places on the coastlines are. 

How would you build a mini lighthouse?


The Weekend

This is my story about the weekend I went to the airport to watch the planes. Here is my story.

As  they launched off, I ran after them. It felt they like they were going to crash.When the wind banged the edge of the planes, it was like it went kaboom. It felt exhausting trying to keep up with the planes. We had a look at all the cool and different planes, some were old, some were new and they had all different colours. It was amazing.It was pretty hard to see them when they were flying really high.If I was a polite and flying it would be real fun. There was heaps of people there going to watch all the planes.

If you got to fly in the plane how would you feel?

Avis Car Rental Hokitika Airport - Terminal Building, Airport Drive, Airport,  Hokitika 7810

Top Team

Today for one hour and thirty minutes we did top team. Top team is when we spilt up into about 12 teams and vs each other to try get the most points. The team at the end with the most points win. There were three water ones,there was a pipe one that you had to fill up with water and there were holes that you had to block your hands so you could get the ping pong ball to the top, and it was my favourite one. There were 12 activites, my group went to 4,5,6,1,2,3 after that we went 10,11,12,9,8,7. We had lots of fun and I liked getting all wet it was like I was shower. If you got to make a game up what game would you make?

Quick Write – Week Eight

This week we did our quick write. We wrote about elephants breaking out of the zoo. This is what I would do if the elephants were loose at the zoo, and this is my story.

You work at the zoo and the elephants have broken loose! What will you do?

I was working at the zoo one day and I checked on the monkeys and turtles, then I was walking to check on  the elephants but I heard something stomping and then I saw the elephants were escaping so I ran to them but they saw me so I grabbed a rope and made it ring a bell to make other employes to come and help. Then after about one minute they appeared out of nowhere but we cornered the elephants and we walked them back to there stable and we saw a mouse in the stable, that must of been why they escaped to get away from the mouse.  The end

If you had to write about the elephants breaking out, what is your plan to catch them?

Elephants Abound on a Southern Summer Safari

Jump Jam

On Monday we taut the little kids jump jam. We forgot some actions but they didn’t know when we made an mistake because they didn’t know the actions so it was good. This week we aren’t practicing any new songs because the television is broken. Me, Tara and Sophie were doing it and we were a bit nervous but then it was fine and started laughing. If you were doing it in front of heaps of people would you be nervous? Remembering the six bangers from Jump Jam: Volume One | The Spinoff

Quick Write

Today we have been doing a quick write. We had to write about climbing a tall tree.

You climb to the top of the tallest tree in your neighbourhood. What can you see that you couldn’t see from down below? And hear is my writing.

I climbed to the top of the tree and I saw ……  five blocks away there was a man looking for his pants. 3 blocks away there was a dog on someone’s swing, ten blocks away there was an donkey eating people’s clothes off there washing line. Six blocks away there were people playing with pigs in a pen getting all muddy, thirty miles away there was an rocket blasting off. At the Hokitika bridge there was a man jumping off head first off. There was a person having a drink at the play ground but the water splashed his face and he was soaking wet, and that’s was I saw from my tree.

The end.

Do you think I would see all of them things?

Jump Jam

At school we are doing something called jump jam. Jump jam is an thing you have to dance and follow the actions. Also next week on Monday we are teaching it to the little kids. The videos we are learning for Monday is Witch doctor, and the second one is coconut tree. This morning we have been practising them with out the video. If you got to choose a song to follow along to?


Next week I am going to go to pink in Dunedin. It is going to be an family trip but only girls. I am so exited to go but from Hokitika to Dunedin is about seven and 30 minutes to get there. We are taking an minne van for us there are nine people going in my family and we have made bags up with all our stuff in it. I have been counting down the days only four left.