Year: 2023

Summer Learning Journey Bookmark

Today I did an Summer Learning Journey and I made a bookmark. It is made out of water colours, it says summer is here. I enjoyed doing the bookmark because it was fun making the colours blend in, also because I don’t have a proper bookmark. I learnt how to blend colours so now I can blend colours anywhere. If you made a bookmark what would you put on it?

Summer Learning Journey

Today I have been doing a summer learning journing. I went on groove pizza, groove pizza is a music thing where you can make music.I like it because you can create different noises by changing it by one dot.If you made a song what would you cool it and why? I call mine drum blast.


This week on Monday we were learning about the Northwest Pacific Tree Octopus. The Northwest Pacific Tree Octopus was a fake and were doing a slide about it still. Afer that we were writing a fake news slide and this is what I wrote.


That is what I wrote for yesterday and today for fake news. What would you write in to days for a fake news story?

Blue Penguins

Today we went to the beach to look for blue penguins and different tracks in the sand. We went in our groups that we went in the cars, I went with Nate, Tasman and Violet. After we went to the beach we went to Wadeson Island to talk about whitebait and other stuff. My favourite part was looking for tracks in the sand. If you went to the beach what would you like to do the most?

Diary Of The Wimpy Kid Books

Our class won a compeition and we won eighteen Diary of the Wimpy Kid books. The one that I am reading is called Diary of the Wimpy Kid Dog Days. Mrs Hickford entered our class in a compeition, and the penguin house was hosting it. I really like the book so far because want he a dog also him and Rowley has to pay off a fruit smoothie bill that is eighty three dollers. His friend Rowley and him started a lawn mowing servce and faled. Now I have to read A bit more to find out what happens next! Would you like to read Diary of the Wimpy Kid books.

Discovery Friday

Today was Discovery Friday. We were doing what it would look like in an earthquake. We had to get into four groups with six people in it. In our four groups we made an liquifaction with corn flour and water we added about one table spoon of corn flour and about half a table spoon af water. When we mixed the water and the corn flour together it was hard at the bottem and like liquid at the top, also if we try to poke our finger in it, it goes all hard.

Would you like to do this one day? 

Sensory Garden

In class we have been making an sensory garden. There is going to be a boat also sound, sight, smell and texture in it. I’m doing texture with Tara, Sophie, Indi and Ollie. We are doing it for next year.  Today we have been putting all of our ideas in our slides. The meters are 3.5 by 4.5. If you were making a sensory garden what would you put in it?


Kapa Haka

On Wednesday the 20th of September the Kapa haka group went up to Reefton to perform. There were hundreds of people and lots of different schools. When we were waiting to do our Kapa Haka performence we got to play on the playground and when we were there the sausages were free. We had to get changed into our outfits at quarter to 12:00 pm. After we all got dressed we did a practice one last time before the performance. Our school Kaniere went on the stage at 12:20 and came off stage by 12.30. It was really fun. Would you like to do Kapa Haka in Reefton?